Elevate Every Job:

A CRM, Scheduling, & Automation Tool for Roofers

Roofing is a high-stakes job, where efficiency impacts not only your bottom line but also your reputation. Service EZ is the versatile toolkit that elevates your entire workflow, from client first contact to the final handshake.

Experience the Service EZ difference:

Integrated Customer Journeys:

From prospecting to project follow-up, our CRM keeps your client relationships as strong as your roofing installations.

Adaptive Scheduling Systems:

Our scheduling tool flexes with the unpredictable, making sure that shifting forecasts don’t shake up your workweek.

Automations that Build Business:

Set up automated marketing campaigns, follow-up emails, and job status updates that keep your leads warm and your clients informed.

Seamless Project Tracking:

Track job progress, manage teams, and oversee supply orders with an interface that’s as intuitive as it is powerful.

Airtight Analytics:

Measure everything from job profitability to client satisfaction with analytics that help you roof smarter, not harder.

Before you scale the next roof, scale your business with Service EZ.

Services We Offer

Designed for service-based businesses, we are happy to help all commercial cleaning companies gain access to top-of-the-line tools at a fair price.

Free Website

Custom built website, based on your companies branding, voice, & needs.

All-In-One Social Media Tool

Manage your Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, LinkedIn, & Google all in one place.

Automated Bookings/Texts/Emails

Take advantage of modern technology by automating admin tasks and marketing.

Every Tool You Need.

We work with you initially and set up the advanced systems. From there, we give you all of the tools necessary to take advantage of free marketing channels, customer data, automations, & more!

  • Calendar for automated bookings

  • Mass SMS/Email for automated messaging

  • Social Media Unibox + Scheduled Cross-platform posts

  • CRM for customer management and marketing

Average Time Saved

(Based on 90 days of customer data)







Limited Time Offer

$197 For Your First 3 Months!

Gain Access to our Standard Plan that typically costs $147/month for just $197 for your first 3 months.

Think of it as a test run. If you don't like the platform, you can cancel your subscription at any time!

Still Not Sold?

Listen To What Our Customers Have To Say:

Service EZ saves me countless hours every month. They've been a key factor in my recent jump in business. Will always recommend!

Jacob Powers

JP Detailing

The website and social media tool alone are worth what Service EZ is charging. I can't believe more people don't know about it.

Cam Cleveland

C&C Mobile Detail

I joined. I loved it. Now 3 months later, my membership is free due to all of the referrals that I made to my friends.

Casey Volpe
